Saturday, August 25, 2007

I can't believe how I was Just Rudely Awakened

I never thought there could possibly be a sound more obnoxious than those buzzer alarm clocks. Apparently I was wrong. VERY wrong. This morning, around 11:00, I wake up to something that sounds a lot like the high schools fire alarm. As I'm jumping off my bed (nearly killing myself in the process), Someone comes on the PA and says, "Attention Neihardt residents, we have two cars that are illegally parked..." I was SO MAD!!!! My room mate and I decided that their whole plot was to wake me, Alyx with a Y up.
Mother, you may be wondering why I was still asleep at 11. Well, last night was the Big Red Welcome, and we made the mistake of going to the Movie on the Green. Why was it a mistake? It was by far one of the stupidest movies we have ever seen - Stomp the Yard. I definitely wouldn't recommend it. Of course, the dancing was pretty cool, but so not worth seeing the movie. We pretty much spent the whole time talking amongst our group (I met some pretty awesome people, one of which is double-majoring in Spanish and German Secondary Education) and making fun of the people in the movie. We didn't even get back to the dorm till 1:30, and then we decided to build Katrina's (my room mate) bookshelf. We finally got to sleep around 3.
While I was at the Party at the Rec (which is basically just all the sport clubs giving away candy, shirts, and fliers), I found out that this is the first year for the swimming sport club, and they're going to compete with other D1 schools, and even have a National Championship, which will be held HERE!!!! I'm so excited, because it's going to give me more motivation and other people to work out with, which is what i really need at this point. Plus, dad says it'll help my academics because I'll be physically active.
So far, I'm enjoying this place that we call college. We'll see how I feel as soon as classes start...


Cori said...

Okay, so have you located your classes yet? And I have never seen Stomp the Yard, and I will make sure I never do!

Chauntel said...

I always had better grades the years I was swimming in college. And all I have to say is that I am glad I never lived in a dorm!